
facial palsy中文什么意思

发音:   用"facial palsy"造句
  • 口面歪斜
  • 面部神经麻痹
  • 面竣
  • 面神经麻痹
  • 面神经瘫痪
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Objective to analyze the causes of facial palsies after ablating parotid glands
  2. Traffic accident is a common casuse of temporal bone fracture which might result in traumatic facial palsy
  3. From august 1985 through february 1991 , 36 patients with traumatic facial palsy underwent transmastoid decompression of the facial nerve at cgmh
  4. No evidence has been proved that physical therapy can directly act on nerve regeneration , but it can help patient overcome or compensate those problems following facial palsy
  5. However ; a 46 year - old obese female who underwent mi / u surgery for right trigeminal neuralgia suffered from postoperative neurologic deficits consisting of left facial palsy , left total deafness , weakness and numbness of the left arm , and unsteady gait
    然而,有一个四十六岁的胖妇女?治疗右边的三叉神经痛在做了脑神经减压手术后, ?生术后的神经功能缺损,其中包含左侧?面神经麻痹,左侧耳聋,左侧手臂无力和麻木,和步态不稳。



        facial palsyとは意味:顔面神経麻痺◆【略】FP
        facial palsy meaning:[Medicine] Severe or complete loss of facial muscle motor function. This condition may result from central or peripheral lesions. Damage to CNS motor pathways from the cerebral cortex to the facial nu...
        facial palsy перевод:прозопоплегия, паралич Белла, поражение лицевого нерва


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